y edginess takes no bou
nds. I write horrid, evil, messages and then giggle and delete them before I send them. Only I will ever know what they say.

This is my geeky blog, which really isn't a blog but more of just me babbling like a babble fish.
X Men, Green Lantern, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Cars 2 all in one week. How would I rate these?
Xmen, I liked. I thought it really brought characters together. Now how this relates to the comics, I don’t know. The comic I really read in Highschool and College was Death the Sand Man Series by Neil Gaiman. I love the old cartoons and such but never really read the comics.
Kung Fu Panda 2 was cute. I really like it and it made me a bit teary.
Cars 2 – Meh……
Green Hornet… Meh…
Will I buy any of these movies? I have no idea, but the magic 8 ball is hovering between ask me later to out right, no. They were fun and entertaining for the moment.
I finally saw the old 1994 movie, The Crow, a few weeks ago.Everyone I have told are amazed I never saw it. Meh, I had other things going on at the time like being pregnant, college and working full time alongest other things. But it was cool. I was amazed at the familiar looks of The Crow and the Heath Fletcher Joker characters. Then to find out they both were killed? Wow… is that true? I don’t know – I was too lazy to look it up.
This week has been busy but I always have time to veg and watch a movie at home. Really that is one of my favorite past times recently. I have borrowed the whole Star Wars set, Cowboy Beebop, 9 and Fight Club and I look forward to watching them again. Yep – instead of shopping at the store I have reverted to borrowing my friends movies and things – and I do the same for them.
As for books? I still haven’t really gotten my hands on any to borrow yet. If you’re willing to send me one, I will read it, but I am trying not to buy any for the time being. Maybe it’s time for a library card I say. But in the mean time, I am reading Hitchhikers road to the galaxy. Yes – I have never read it all the way through. Now that I have some time – I will go for it. Also I have the 2nd hard back of the graphic novel Fables to read. That will be fun also. Another short read I am borrowing from a friend is Bride of Tranqility. A friend of mine picked it up at a con. Said it was light hearted and funny. That is what I need. So we shall see.
In storybooks they always try to start gloomy and end up happy. Ok but it appears to be over a lifespan to build up to that one moment the whole story is about. And then they lived happily ever after. Really???? Well, there was never a second, third or fourth follow up to Cinderella. Did she and the Prince have kids. Were their kids in sports or extracurricular activities? What about drinking or drug issues or even additions to sex? None of this items are ever covered. I mean, think about it. In those times kings had mistresses. And these mistresses were most likely married and the husbands would be furious. Do you really think Cinderella lived happily ever after?
So I find that there is some damage control needed to be done here. The fairies flew down and made the other experts disintegrate into nothingness so we would never know the true ending to keep us in the mind frame of, yes everything is happy and ended rightfully so with perfection. Sure it will if you married a sugar daddy and you had a fairy god mother, or in this time a Drag Queen to make everything perfect.
Story telling is just that. We feed this to our kids and they believe. Just like old fashioned Santa Claus. My teenagers think Santa was an evil trick that I and their father played on them growing up. They were so disappointed to find out the truth. I literally cried all day when my oldest found out. It was the end of stories and he was welcome into the harsh world of “you can’t always get what you want.” That year was so sad at Christmas. After years have gone by we talk about that from time to time and my boys do not want to raise their children beleiveing in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. But time will tell.
Now, don’t get me wrong I love, Love , LOVE a great story. I just wish when I was younger I wasn’t so nieve and knew the only way to be happy is to be happy with who you are and what you can achieve. Build goals and help us build our own self esteem versus thinking our prince charming will make everything alright. Honestly, I think Prince Charming may look nice but inside he is probably just as fake. Anyway, I digrese…. Along with stories of love and honesty we have magazines, Barbie dolls, rock singers ect. That young girls have to look up to.
Let’s be honest. With these stories and the happily ever after, it’s a set up for failure. However, it’s also a key into the gateway of imagination.
So I sound like I am against it. Well, no I am not. I love stories. I just wish my parents had been a little more open and honest with things. But then again, if they might have, I might not have rebelled so much and not be the gothic loving soul I am but instead a pink Barbie wanting everything just perfect. Brrr… that just gave me the chills. I am me with all my oddities. I am a kid at heart. And probably why I side with the Disney Villians. I always thought even when I was little that the whole story wasn’t told. I mean come on now. Why did Malifacint act the way she did. We don’t know, because the fairies burned all the evidence. Muahahahaha……….
I guess I am not alone with comic books like Fairy Tales and then movies like Shrek that come out. Those crack me up. And well, Disney just made their last Princess movie because they aren’t doing as well as they used to. Helloooo… That’s because no one can relate to that perfect mindset anymore.
And this is why Princess Bride was one of my favorites, Ellen Enchanted, ect… Im odd. What can I say. Tra La La….
Hey you, You remind me of the babe. The babe with the power, what power.
The power of Voodoo who do you do
Remind me of the babe.