Several years ago my boys were much more younger and I would tell them stories I would make up about orcs, fairies and evil lords. In my fairy tale fashion I would always give them fairy kisses and eskimo kisses as I was telling them goodnight and don't let the bed bugs bite because that was my job. LOL.... I made up all sorts of stories and they listen intently. Now my boys are 16 and the youngest is about to turn 14. They have grown tierd of these childish stories of mine. But, I still love them and still imagine other worlds. Even though I could not tuck them in a few years ago because they were point blank, growning up, I developed a new kiss. It was the unicorn kiss. One night I showed it to them as I was tucking them in. I was sweet and gave them a kiss on the cheek and asked to give a fairy kiss, then the eskimo kiss. Then I asked if I ever gave them a unicorn kiss. They had nooo idea what I was talking about. Ofcourse they weren't, I had just made it up in my head. So I told them to close their eyes and I would show them. So how does this unicorn kiss work you might ask. It's simple. You take your index finger and in the middle of the person of your choice, you poke them in the forehead. That is what a unicorn kiss is. :) This evening I was doodling and started making images of a fairy kiss and an eskimo kiss and when i did the eskimo kiss I made a new version of that as well. It is now called..... The Jedi Kiss! Yes!!!!!

Oh, the unicorn kiss! That is so funny,I love that!!
ReplyDeleteTry it and let me know the reaction! I did it to a coworker the other day and umm - my nails are a bit sharp. He now has a scar from where he bleed from a unicorn. Eeeks. LOL
ReplyDeleteI tried it out on my boyfriend and he loved it - he smiled and smiled!! Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteAwesomesauce!!!! Most Excellent! Giggle Giggle!!!! Thanks for sharing it! Yay!!!!